

Welcome to the Playlist Management Guide for the Music Bot. This guide will help you efficiently manage your playlists, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable music experience.

Playlist Commands


Adds a song to one of your playlists. Simply specify the song and the playlist you want to add it to.


Creates a new playlist. Give your playlist a unique name and start adding your favorite tracks.


Deletes a playlist. Use this command to remove any playlists you no longer need.


Renames a playlist. Update the name of your playlist to better reflect its content.


Displays all your playlists. Get a quick overview of all the playlists you have created.


Plays a playlist. Choose a playlist and start playing its tracks in your voice channel.


Removes a song from one of your playlists. Specify the song and playlist to remove it from.


Displays information about a playlist. Get detailed info about the songs and structure of a specific playlist.

Need Assistance?

Should you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to us on the support server.. Our team is ready and eager to assist you.

We wish you a wonderful day and hope you enjoy the music!


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