DJ Commands

In your server, you can enhance control over commands or dashboard by restricting them to users with specific roles. Additionally, if a user is alone in a voice channel, the DJ role will be ignored. Follow these steps to set up and manage DJ roles and commands effectivel

Getting Sarted

Welcome to this guide, which will show you how to use the DJ function via the dashboard or commands.

Setting Up DJ Role via Dashboard

Step 1: Enter dashboard

First sign in on the website and then go on the dashboard from your server Enter Dashboard

Step 2: Enable DJ Mode

Scroll down on the left side to DJ settings and click on it. DJ settings

Step 3: Enabled and configure the DJ mode

Now you can simply enable the DJ mode and cofigure it. configure DJ mode

Setting Up DJ Role via Commands:

Command: /setdj @role

Use /setdj @role to establish a designated DJ role within your server. Replace @role with the desired role you wish to assign as the DJ role.

Customizing DJ Commands:

Command: /djcommands

Customize commands available to DJs by utilizing the /djcommands command. Specify which commands DJs are permitted to use.

Transferring DJ Role:

Command: /givedj @user

Transfer the DJ role of a queue by executing /givedj @user.

  • Mention @user to whom you want to transfer the DJ role.

Enabling/Disabling DJ Mode:

Command: /djmode

Activate or deactivate DJ Mode using /djmode command. This mode controls all DJ-related functions, enabling or disabling them as per your preference.

By incorporating these commands, you can effectively manage DJ roles, commands, and the DJ Mode feature in your server, facilitating seamless control and operation of voice channels.

Need Assistance?

Should you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to us on the support server. Our team is ready and eager to assist you.

We wish you a wonderful day and hope you enjoy the music!


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